Band pass filters allow certain spectrums of light to transmit, blocking unwanted frequencies using absorption and/or reflection. They can be a narrow band through to a wide range, and are used to transmit signals in a specific range of frequencies.
As an example, infrared band pass filters are used in remote control devices, preventing interference from sources such as ultraviolet or visible light.
How do optical manufacturers make band pass filters?
Band pass filters can be made in several ways. Thin filters and coated filters are typically made by an arrangement of multilayer material coatings onto a layer. Spectral or absorption filters are produced by combining lamination, cemented layers and thin coatings.
You can combine filters and methods to produce single laminated band pass filters with complex or specific properties – achieving all kinds of optical applications. There are certain limitations to how thin a band pass filter can be, but they can start from as little as 0.1mm and go up to several cm in thickness.
What are the uses for band pass filters?
There are a variety of applications that band pass filters can be used for, including mobile phones, radios and televisions. They remove unwanted signals from another signal, or select ranges of frequencies for processing.
They are also used by optical manufacturers to make systems such as microscopes, as they remove unwanted light. This is done by removing infrared light using ultraviolet band pass filters.
If you require bespoke band pass filters, LG Optical’s optical engineers can help. We are optical manufacturers who can help you remove unwanted signals. We have a wide range of band pass filters on our website, at https://www.lgoptical.co.uk/stock-we-supply/.